Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems, LLC was founded by leading medical-industry and business-development professionals to bring to market a successful laser therapy treatment system that combines the best of current technologies with innovative, industry-leading features.
Over the past 18 years, Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems has taken non-invasive, high-powered, laser systems to a new level of positive patient outcomes and recovery. Based in Dallas, Texas, The Company operates a successful Rehabilitation Clinic, and has placed its therapeutic laser system in many variations of medical facilities. Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems now intends to build upon its years of experience in the medical industry throughout the U.S., and beyond. In essence, helping to lower pain and wound treatment costs, increase practice profitability, and enhance patient quality of life through innovative, class-leading capabilities.
The high-end, health care laser therapy systems marketed and distributed are non-invasive, drug-free treatment solutions that provides relief and accelerates wound healing, and simultaneously reduces inflammation related to soft-tissue injuries.. The world medical community has embraced and validated non-invasive lasers as a major tool in health care, injury treatment, rehabilitation, recovery support and overall health maintenance. Optimized the effectiveness of this technology approach. The system and equipment have continuously evolved, as laser engines, fiber optics, power sources and delivery instruments have changed and improved along the way.
To put that in perspective, this technology is a breakthrough therapeutic laser system that is hundreds of times more powerful than other systems, delivering up to five times the penetrating wavelength, covering 10 times the effective treatment area.

The Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems are new, and the only non-invasive, drug free laser therapy. For years, Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems has been developing new, different, and non-invasive laser technology. This new, custom built, high-powered laser therapy system is strategically designed to induce certain photochemical reactions in the soft tissues of both humans, and animals to provide healing. The treatment is delivered as a function of, and is dependent on wavelength, power, and time. Wavelength and power factors determine the penetration depth and quantity of energy available to transfer to the cells, and the type of healing determines the length of time needed to administer the treatment. Key: Photon energy particles emitted from Laser are absorbed by photoreceptors in the cell which allows for ATP production, change in the mitochondria and allows for tissue healing. Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems offer multiple competitive advantages, features and benefits including:
- Deeper Penetration
- Higher Power
- Wider Beam Diameter
- Higher Energy Transfer = (More Power)
- Bigger Beam = (Better Treatment)
- Better Utilization of Personnel & Patient Time
Non-invasive laser treatment also known as laser photo-biostimulation, cold laser, or soft laser is defined as a concentrated laser light energy delivered to the cellular level within the body.
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Laser).
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Laser) is a form of electromagnetic energy of varying wavelengths. Color is produced by these varying wavelengths, which make up a light spectrum, and the light spectrum has three broad categories, ultraviolet, visible/optical and infrared/invisible light. Laser light is an artificial form of light that consists of identical wavelengths that have the same wavelength or nanometer measurement.
Laser light energy also known as cold laser, soft laser, or biostimulation, is concentrated laser light energy delivered to the cellular level within the body. The delivery of the laser energy is dependent on wavelength and power. It is the combination of wavelength and power factors that determine the penetration depth, and quantity of energy available to transfer to the cells which precipitates a complex set of physiological interactions at the cellular level that helps the body to heal. Selectivity of tissue effect is manipulated by variations in the wavelength and power settings that are used for the treatments.
Today, high power thermal lasers are primarily used for ablation (burning, cutting or removal) of tissue, and the low power/low level lasers are using wavelengths that do not allow any type of significant penetration into the body because of the absorption of the energy into melanin, hemoglobin, and oxy-hemoglobin. The wavelengths used by these low power/low level lasers constrict the ability of the body to absorb the laser energy.
The Phoenix Thera-Lase Laser System is using patented proprietary wavelengths that have no significant absorption into melanin, hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. The power of the laser delivered to the patient treatment sites is significantly higher and denser, which allows greater depths of penetration and in turn achieves greater patient results. The beam profile is de-focused and distanced from the skin, which prevents tissue damage, and enables healing.

For more than twenty years researchers have been studying the effects of stimulating live tissue with low-level visible/optical energy to treat various soft tissue conditions. Laser biostimulation, as it is commonly known, has become widely used in Europe and Canada. Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems uses infrared/invisible energy, that is delivered at high power, which causes the absorption of the laser energy to penetrate deeper into the soft tissue, and provides a greater level of healing.
The Phoenix Thera-Lase System can induce certain photochemical reactions (photo-biostimulation) in the soft tissues of both humans and animals.
Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems Has Exclusive Process Patents On The Most Feasible And Efficacious Wavelength For Laser Energy –
That Being A Wavelength With Sufficient Penetrating And Absorption Qualities To Allow Delivery Deep Into Tissues.
The patented wavelengths, in conjunction with the custom, strategic internal design of these systems, allow energy levels that are ten to two hundred times higher in effective energy delivered to the injured tissue; in comparison with alternative therapeutic laser devices. Lower powered lasers of non-optimal wavelengths (Gallium Arsenide 904nm, Gallium Aluminum Arsenide 660-880nm, and Helium Neon 630nm) lead to substantially higher rates (by factors of two or more) of absorption of light energy by melanin (skin pigment) and higher absorption rates by hemoglobin (human blood). These devices are by necessity underpowered—impairing their ability to achieve clinically significant results on the scale with The Phoenix Thera-Lase Systems.
Biological responses of cells to infrared laser energy occur due to photochemical reactions defined by the stimulation of energy within the cell, passed through the cell electrons by laser photons. This excitation or reconfiguring of electrons results in photo-ionization, oxidation, dissociation and molecular rearrangement. Subsequently, a variety of reaction channels are activated, resulting in a cascade of biochemical reactions characteristic to the individual cell stimulated. For example, low-level laser stimulation has been shown to shift the cellular redox state toward oxidation. Biologically the shift toward oxidation is associated with stimulation of vitality. Furthermore, the cascade of biochemical reactions does not appear to need the continuous application of light energy to proceed once initiated. This explains the beneficial effect of low-level laser therapy to tissue of lower than normal pH and oxygenation.
Laser photon stimulation of biologically active tissue is the crux of the laser energy tissue effect. While the exact mechanism of this stimulation is the focus of ongoing patient treatments, it has been proven that the diseased cells are able to benefit from the external application of energy through laser light to normalize and enhance their functional state.
Light energy is absorbed in the form of photons into the photo-acceptor molecules in the mitochondria. This results in oxidation in the cellular respiratory chain with the release of energy that generates biochemical reactions that store the energy in the form of phosphate bonds. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is released as a usable energy source to be distributed throughout the cell to sponsor the energy needed to normalize cell activity and function. Hence the absorption of light energy is transduced to a cascade of biochemical reactions that stimulate the resumption of cell function from the diseased state. This refinancing of the energy deficit from an outside energy source allows the cell to repair and correct cellular metabolic imbalances.

Substantial demand exists for non-invasive treatment of chronic pain, medical rehabilitation for inflammation, and soft tissue injuries, and wound healing in the United States. The combined potential medical market for pain relief, inflammation reduction and soft tissue injury healing exceeds $70 Billion in the United States The medical rehabilitation services market alone (orthopedics and physical therapy) represents approximately $27 Billion in annual services in the United States.
The combined potential medical market for these types of healing and treatment exceeds $70 Billion dollars in annual services.
– Health Maintenance Organizations – Individual Orthopedics
– Hospitals – General Practitioners
– Outpatient Clinics – Other Specialists
Addressing chronic pain, a hard-to-treat yet highly common condition, costs the United States as much as $635 Billion a year and requires a much more comprehensive strategy for curbing lost productivity and healthcare expenses, according to a new government report. At least 116 Million U.S. adults–or about four in 10–suffer from chronic pain every year, leading to extra sick days, lost wages and productivity, according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM).
In the United States, there are an estimated 220,000 specialists in orthopedics, rehabilitation medicine, neurology, physical medicine, chiropractic and veterinary medicine (Worldwide, it is estimated that there are over 500,000 practitioners).
The worldwide market is estimated at twice the potential revenue of the United States market.
The technology is exciting, and the market potential is great. Alone or in collaboration with conventional therapies, the beneficial effect of strategic laser energy on cellular function can only speed the healing process in any illness characterized by diminished or inadequate cell function; by definition this would include virtually all human illness.